Tuesday, July 24, 2018

I think every boy needs sisters....

 When I am all alone and feeling like no one likes me.  My Sissypoos tp me and they always make me forget about feeling sad.  They make me laugh and they never ignore me unless their heads are in  PS.   Then all I have to dew is hollar and they come and say  "Hi Russy!"
 I had gotten some new Squishy Seats from the gacha that Little Pickle has at the event at Dandelions Unite and dropped one for me Nessie and one for each my sissys...
Unicorn for the Diva πŸ˜‡ and Demonic 😈 for the Heathen...
I have 2 very different sisters....but they the same heart!πŸ˜‡πŸ’•πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘­πŸ’“
My sissys are tweens at the moment....they change avatars like most people change underwears....heh heh!↖↗↘↙↺

These Squishy Seats comes with 5 poses, and they are modifiable so anyone can use them with a little adjusting. They have been designed for TD baby, and should work fine with that size without adjustments πŸ˜†
There are 10 commons and 4 rares.....wooo hoooo!

Dont forget to say hi and add me to your friends list too I love friendsπŸ‘πŸ‘€πŸ’ƒ

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Family poses are so hard to find specially if its more than the normal mom, dad, sister, brother shot.

So,  I was foolin around and looking at poses and I found 3 great poses that
I put together to make this super cool picture above.

I used POSE Male stand #11 -  MP Link    29L

POSE Love Mommy -  MP Link    69L

and POSE bad things  -  MP Link       99L

All of these cool poses were from


Market Place
FB Group

They have tons of various poses for kids, family and adults.
check it out if you need poses.........

see ya soon,

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

I needed work

I went to my sissy Jodeeeeee an she gives me hammer an nails and say
make a booth and sell something.
That's what I did and it was not easy to do..  I work and work and finally get a fine looking booth made..
Then I say to my self,  "Self, What are you gonna sells?"
I got nuthing to sell!
I thought hard and long and long and hard and then it hit me.
Kisses........eberyone like kisses...an Jodee say I'm a cutie,  soooo.
Taaaa Daaaa!   Russys Kissing Booth only 5 cents one!
I didn't get not even one kiss....guess I need to not give up my blogging jobs,
or ill be poor and nakie.

Get your booth at Little Diva Gacha Garden
Your ride awaits you..

If any of you have work for me just pass it this way.
Happy 4th of July every one!

ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY?--------------------------

I forgot it was your birthday .πŸ‘€
So I ran over to Dandelion Unite and found just what I needed. πŸ™Œ
This is too good to be true and its all copy / mod so I can have as many bouncy houses and cakes I want!
This Gacha has 4 rares and 10 commons and a special given after 15 pulls.

This is at                     Taxi to the event 

Hurry before the Event ends!       πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

My friend Poe has a cool store and you can go any time,.
Just click on this link here>>>>>>>Main Store taxi

So Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu! Happy Birthday to you!πŸŽ‚

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Im finding out that I gots lots and lots to learn about this blogging thing and doing pictures! OMG!

This little cutie next to me needed to get some sleeps...... πŸ’€πŸ’€
but after me dragging her all over a local vampire sim trying to look for a good spot to take a picture.... 
                                              see below    ↯      (and those are not flying pigs!)
She took on the task of teaching me how to take a picture with a prim back ground so I could edit my photos.
Omg! poor thing! I sure wanted to choke me...for the life of me I could not do it and when she show me a screen shot of her windows they were PINK!  and that just threw me all off. 
It was like  a different language.  πŸ˜°
We gave up after trying over and over and over and I told her to go sleeps.
She did that too as fast as she could go...

Thankyew!  Jodeeeee!,    for trying so hard to help me!
But but, I had a lot of fun with you too! ν‚ΈπŸ’ν›‡πŸ™‹πŸ˜πŸ’ž

Jodeee is wearing a outfit she made for Canada Day!
Her store is Little Diva  RIDE
You can also see little Diva at The Cove, The Play Room, Thimble and Spring Valley Care A Lot Productions,

I am wearing the famous  Pickles 
Aloha Collection Shirt and shorts.
they are so cool I'm wearing the Stitch Shirt and there is the lei,  the lizard, the icecream  and so many more..Go have a look by clicking here»»»»RIDE

Ok well that's it for now if you need a blog done just hit me ups.
Have a great 4th of July too!
Jodee is my sissy btw 😁

Hellooo  everyone πŸ’–  Miss me? πŸ˜€      I missed you tons and tons and megatons  This is me and my cuzzy KinseyπŸ‘§πŸ›Š We been hanging out and p...