Monday, August 17, 2020

I'm Back!

Not sure what happen you know how it goes in rl and sl do this and you do that and then do it again and during the process you loose your things here and there.  So you cant find it but and your too tired to do it all over again so you just collapse in to a muddle and for get it!That's sorta what I did. I know you all know what I mean!

I had to come back because I wanted to show you something. 

Now there some really good kids furniture out there for sure. My Aunty Heavenly who has been making furniture for long time for grown ups, just made a cool chair for kids.  

(I think I might of had some pull in getting her to do it!πŸ˜ƒ

So as you can see her set of chairs are matching my pint sized chair, and for some style conscious parents its sorta important.  Oh Yeah! That's Aunty Heavenly and my Daddy and Papa!

I feel all important and grown up in it too   πŸ˜     but that didn't last long! Her house is at beautiful beach and I was out out that chair like water on a hot frying pan.πŸ’₯

Check these out!

I like those Green Striped ones!
So you guys bring your parents to check out

You'll make points even if  they don't buy you that cool chair 
they will love Shopping at Shutter Field.
And if you see my Aunty Heavenly there give her a hello...she's cool!
If you wanna shop on MP here that address too!

Psst..check out these cool kids deck chairs while your there too!

Hellooo  everyone πŸ’–  Miss me? πŸ˜€      I missed you tons and tons and megatons  This is me and my cuzzy KinseyπŸ‘§πŸ›Š We been hanging out and p...